The Night Rider
The darkness chills their bones
A shiver goes down their spines
A jet black horse
Appearing out of the mist
The Night Rider barely visible
His cloak making him a shadow
A black hood covering his face
This mysterious Night Rider
Is followed by many a legend
Some say his hair is black
Others say he has no hair
For how can he have hair
When the hood and cloak
Cover a ghost rider?
The ghost of an evil man
Cursed, doomed to ride
Ride forever at night
Chilling all to the bone
His ghostly piercing eyes
Stopping the strongest of hearts
All people are scared
And hide in their houses
Cringing with every hoof fall
All that is, except one
His love, on the other side of town
Whom he rides home to
Every night, without fail
He works in his mine all day
And rides home each night
Fully aware of the legends
That follow him everywhere
If only the people knew
How foolish they were being
This hard working Night Rider
Digging from dawn to midnight
To try to get enough gold
To keep him and his wife
From starving to death
If only others knew
Knew the sad truth behind
The Night Rider